I managed to roll my ass out of bed by 10AM today, so I caught two hours of figure studies this morning. The model was good, and inexplicably wearing make-up, which struck me as a bit funny. I grabbed my 24 pack of prisma nupastels before leaving the house meaning I had allll the colors ever to work with; so, of course, I started with grey. (Can you tell I threw that chair in at the last minute? It is physically improbable to the point of collapse, unlike its real life counterpart.)
Shading! Where the hell did THAT come from? Apparently my ability to produce tone developed when I wasn't looking, because this was a 15 minute pose and I managed to squeeze a lot of color gradation into it. She had great proportions to play with, too, which I couldn't resist exaggerating with her face and hand.
This was the hour long pose, which I split into 2 sketches. The top one is dedicated to my friend Jason, who was on the other side of the room doing these great exaggerated comic-style drawings that I snuck a look at during the break. I want to challenge myself to break style more during figure sessions and play around some with other techniques.
This one's my favorite- something about the model said "pink", so I ran with it. 20 minutes, and huge pile of pastel dust when I was done getting those dark tones.
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