Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The art of the Wandering Dream Circus, Pt 2


A second piece I knocked out during layovers when I was traveling back from Brasil. I'm not sure what direction it wants to go in- I like the sketchy pencil quality it has right now, with the line work. I'm always hesitant to add detail to work that appeals to me in it's unfinished state- I'm convinced (due to experience) that I'm going to pick the wrong direction to take it in and mess it up when it's still brimming with potential.

Ideas, internet?


  1. Someone wiser than I once said "The only one who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything."

    If you don't let your self fuck it up sometimes, how will you learn to do it right?

  2. Ah, but I regularly fuck up my drawings by rushing ahead too quickly. This is my attempt to put some thought into it beforehand! I promise you it won't lie unfinished for too long ;)
