Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who wants to buy me a drying rack for Christmas?

(If you're still hoping to be at all surprised by what you get for Christmas, I highly suggest putting your hands over your eyes right about now)

About the drying rack- I kid, I'm building one out of cardboard and chewing gum. No one run out and buy me anything like this. Or this.

Being in full giftmas production mode has made the garage a leetle ridiculous. I worked in glorious technicolor all day, and I got great shades on some of the prints. Some less so (see the yellow orange misregistered one), but I'm overall happy with the results.

I particularly like this one And there are fewer imperfections than usual on it!

I'm increasingly strapped for time, leaving tomorrow morning and all, so I'm probably just going to hunt down some bleach and a toothbrush when I get to the East Coast to clean these up. And bring my makeshift tear down bar (metal ruler) and some erasers for backup. And hope I can find a big enough table to work on at home. AND find something huge to weight them down, because I decided to transport everything rolled up in my magical art tube.

I do love seeing all my work spread across the floor, though, especially with all the colors. It's like a morbid rainbow!


  1. I'm LOVING these. You have beautiful aesthetics from what I've seen...I'm very interested in your work!

    ...I NEED a series of these skulls in different colors for my upcoming room remodeling!!! So cool... I'm trying to juxtapose what is considered hideous with that which is often considered beautiful...exe: a large black skull candle with a sparkly diamond webbed set of candle holders, and so on...juxtaposition is key!!

    I'm going to keep visiting. Happy I found your blog! :)


  2. Thank you! That's so flattering to hear :) If you're really interested in the prints, I have a few left over (and I'd be happy to run off a few more). I was going to put them at $25 a piece on my etsy shop, but I'll happily knock that down for a fellow student and Lady Gaga-lover. The pursuit of aesthetics when it comes to room decorating is priceless, after all.

    Thanks for stopping by, I've got new work on the way!

  3. Wonderful!!!

    How do I find your Etsy shop? I'm seriously interested so let me know and I'll figure out what I want to do (like how many...what kind...) and get back in touch with you!

  4. My etsy shop is at http://www.etsy.com/shop/FHDLMachine I'll take shots of all the remaining posters this week and put them up for you to check out. Glad to hear you're interested!
